fredag 26 mars 2010


The rail was so old & sketchy that we had to add a few nails so it wouldn't break down.

Emme, ss fs 50/50

fs 50/50

tisdag 23 mars 2010

all by myself

The sun was shining and the weather was sweet so I went out shredding by myself.
fs boardslide

måndag 22 mars 2010

spread the love


We started hitting this wooden kinkrail on saturday night but didn't land it so we went back on sunday evening. Jens slamed pretty rough on saturday so he wasn't riding. After 2.5 hours, some bruises and a stair massage I finaly landed it. Today my ass hurts pretty bad, I can't even sit whitout feeling pain. That's some good shit! peace.

Emme, bs 50/50

söndag 21 mars 2010

lördag 20 mars 2010


Me & Jens went to the trainbridge in Luppio. The sun was shining when we went there, but when we were going to start hitting the rail the sun went behind the clouds, which sucked! Another thing that sucked was the speed that we didn't get, we barely got enought speed to pop up on the rail. But atleast we got a few decent shots.
Emme, bs tailpress
Jens, fs tailpress

fredag 12 mars 2010


Wille was in town for a few days, so we used the opportunity to film some shit.

fs 180 ss 50/50 fs 180

cab tailpress

fs tailpress

fs 50/50

måndag 8 mars 2010

söndag 7 mars 2010


Fs wallride

Pretty close landing on Spirtu

O-P was giving me speed with his car.

diggin' it

Some parts of the rail was covered by snow, so we had to shovel away about 2 meters of snow before we could start hittin' it.

Emme, bs board fs 270
Jens, fs lipslide
fs 50/50